CPSA 2016 Annual Conference Programme

Canadian Political Science Association


May 31 to June 2, 2016
University of Calgary
Calgary, AB

Special Events

Session: R3 - Presidential Address / Discours présidentiel: Winning from the Ground Up: the Importance of Local Party Effects in Understanding the 2015 Canadian Federal Election Campaign

Date: May 31, 2016 | Time: 05:10pm to 06:15pm | Location: Science Theatres 140 | iCal iOS / Outlook

Chair/Présidente: Laura Stephenson (University of Western Ontario)

Discussant/Commentatrice - 1: Lisa Young (University of Calgary)

Discussant/Commentateur - 2: Peter Loewen (University of Toronto Mississauga)

Participants & Authors/Auteurs: (Click titles for Abstract and Paper.)arrow

William Cross (Carleton University) : Winning from the Ground Up: the Importance of Local Party Effects in Understanding the 2015 Canadian Federal Election Campaign
