2017 Canadian Political Science Association

Annual Conference Programme

Ryerson University
  Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences: May 27 - June 2
  The CPSA conference dates within Congress are Tuesday, May 30 to Thursday, June 1.

All members are invited to attend the
2017 Annual General Meeting to be held on
May 31, 2017 at Ryerson University.

Time: 01:00pm to 02:00pm | Location: HEI-201 (Heidelberg Centre)

May 31, 2017

Time: Cocktails available at 6:00 pm; Dinner from 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm |
   Location: Dim Sum King (421 Dundas Street West, Toronto)


Special Sessions

Session: Q7 - Plenary: Brexit, Trump and the Rise of Radical Right Populism in the West: Is Democracy Threatened? (see/voir B7, F7)

Date: May 31, 2017 | Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm | Location: HEI-201 (Heidelberg Centre)| iCal iOS / Outlook

Sponsor / Commanditaire: Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, Department of Political Science, McGill University

Participants & Authors/Auteurs:

Sheri Berman (Barnard College)
Mark Blyth (Brown University)
Jacob Levy (McGill University)
Christopher Parker (University of Washington)

This plenary brings together experts on populism, comparative democracy and democratic theory to look at the recent rise of populism in Europe and North America and examine some of the historical parallels as well as the consequences. Why do we see the rise of populism right now? Is this a completely new phenomenon or are their similarities to earlier occurrences? Given the current criticisms of the media, the established political parties, and the courts, are the fundamentals of democracy under threat? Can our democratic institutions stand up to the pressing challenges of our time?