The purpose of this full-day pre-conference leadership program, to be held on June 1, 2020 is to support the development of a community of practice dedicated to advancing decolonial and feminist pedagogical and research praxis. The workshop will approach this task from an integrated perspective that understands reflexivity in research production and teaching as essential parts of a holistic process of scholarship. The goal is to support both personal success for the participants, and to generate transformative change in discipline. The pre-conference program will include workshops on teaching, pedagogy, and research that promote sharing and collaboration among junior, mid-career, and senior scholars. There will also be opportunities for junior scholars and anyone interested in these approaches to pair with scholar 'mentors' who share similar research interests. This pre-conference program is open to people of all genders, and encourages participation by scholars who are black, indigenous, and/or people of colour. We also welcome scholars who may be new to decolonial feminist pedagogical and research praxis to join us in learning together. Please note: this is a pre-conference workshop, which will take place the day before the start of the 2020 CPSA Annual Conference