R03 - Plenary Panel: Indigenous Politics and the Problem of Canadian Political Science (OPEN EVENT)
Date: Jun 2 | Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm | Location: Arts & Humanities Building - AHB 1R40
This plenary panel explores the ways in which Indigenous voices, ideas, and scholarship are being (or not being) engaged within the discipline of political science. In an era marked by imperatives of decolonization and reconciliation of the academy, panelists will discuss the ongoing ghettoization of Indigenous critical analysis within political science theories, processes, materials, and publications. Further, they will discuss the factors that continue to prevent robust engagement with Indigenous politics in the discipline.
Participants: Glen Coulthard (Univeristy of British Columbia)Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark (University of Victoria)Kevin Bruyneel (Babson College)Dale Turner (University of Toronto)