G14 - Roundtable Canadian Political Economy Book Launch
Date: Jun 3 | Time: 03:45pm to 05:15pm | Location:
The book launch will include a cash bar, and snacks will be provided.
Canadian Political Economy Book Launch:
Heather Whiteside (University of Waterloo)
Angela Carter (University of Waterloo)
Bryan Evans (Ryerson University)
Carlo Fanelli (York University)
Meghan Joy (Concordia University)
John Shields (Ryerson University)
John Peters (Laurentian University)
Stephen McBride (McMaster University)
Bruce Smardon (York University)
Abstract: This roundtable brings together several chapter contributors involved in the forthcoming book Canadian Political Economy (Heather Whiteside, ed., University of Toronto Press), a collection oriented around the empirical political economy of Canada and Canada’s contribution to theory and debate in political economy, to discuss its arguments and findings. Multiple areas of Canadian Political Economy are explored, including leading developments in our understanding of: ecology (Angela Carter), public administration (Bryan Evans), cities (Carlo Fanelli), non-profits (Meghan Joy and John Shields), inequality (John Peters), continental integration (Stephen McBride), technology (Bruce Smardon), and theory (Heather Whiteside).